Kurt Frymire

Chicago, Illinois


Software engineer with a passion for technology, humanities and code craftsmanship.


  • Senior Web Developer
  • Sandbox
  • October 2016 – July 2018
  • Built public-facing, mobile-first websites, iOS apps, and touchscreen kiosks for large pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and agricultural biotechnology clients.
  • Developed single-page Angular 4/6 apps for touchscreen kiosks at conference and tradeshow events that host more than 10,000 attendees.
  • Designed and implemented SQL databases optimized for speed and referential integrity.
  • Developed custom JavaScript library to provide geolocation-based searching, Google Maps driving directions, and distance-to-destination sorting.
  • Developed high quality code with methodologies such as test-driven development, lambda functions, object-oriented design patterns, defensive coding, and a natural aversion to antipatterns and code smells.
  • Developed REST APIs using PHP MVC frameworks such as CakePHP, Laravel, and Symfony.
  • Performed JIRA project management tasks such as project setup, defining issues, stories, sprints and epics, issue prioritization and assignment.
  • Developed custom Wordpress plugins to provide CMS editors the ability to author a single source of searchable data which can be viewed, sorted and searched on multiple websites
  • Rebuilt the Sandbox website in support of the company’s single agency branding following acquisition of several other agencies.
  • Independent Software Architect
  • Adquizition
  • January 2016 – October 2016
  • Developed backend database and REST API and collaborated on development of an iOS app frontend.
  • Worked with founder to develop software requirements, project milestones, tasks and estimates.
  • Migrated a Parse MongoDB database to MySQL in preparation for the service's discontinuation.
  • Provided software architecture planning and technical guidance.
  • Senior Software Architect
  • NogginLabs
  • December 2014 – December 2015
  • Developed full-stack web applications for clients' internal training systems.
  • Developed an ecommerce-enabled web application that processed upwards of $1,000,000 worth of transactions in the first two months following its public release.
  • Provided technical guidance to various business units in service of developing company-wide toolsets, technical policies, code-level support or debugging assistance to other developers.
  • Developed the company's internal time tracking web application with an emphasis on usability while also providing sophisticated reporting and data visualizations.
  • Software Architect
  • NogginLabs
  • April 2011 – December 2014
  • Developed an EMR web application which had to meet strict security and HIPAA legal requirements.
  • Developed applications and project proposals for notable clients including The University of Oxford, McDonald's Corporation, Delta Airlines, The University of Chicago, CDW, and IRONMAN World Triathlon Corporation.
  • Developed high quality web applications for client projects using a variety of technologies such as CakePHP, MySQL, CSS, JS.
  • Refactored and migrated legacy projects to updated languages or technology platforms.
  • Resolved bits of technical debt present in internal systems or client projects by refactoring when possible, or rewriting when necessary.
  • Built and administered the company's production and development Ubuntu Linux servers.
  • Designed and implemented process-improvement software to streamline the School's distribution of loaner media resources.
  • Provided code-level maintenance and technical support for a legacy 4D application and database.
  • Developed numerous Bash shell tools and Apple software installers in support of mass software deployments and routine computer lab system maintenance.
  • Administered software licensing servers which provided metered access to commercial software available to a user pool consisting of approximately 4,000 student, staff and faculty.
  • Developed several Mac software applications in service of acquiring policy-steering metrics and tracking hourly wages for a certain population of contract employees.
  • Taught 3D computer modeling classes using Autodesk Maya with an emphasis on modeling for physical output with a CNC router or 3D printer.
  • Taught web development courses covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript and received consistently positive student feedback.
  • Developed course materials and engaged students with class exercises, discussions and demonstrations.


PHP 7, JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript, Swift (iOS), Objective-C, HTML5, CSS (Sass), SQL, JSON, XML, Bash (Shell Script)
MySQL, MongoDB, SQL Server, Amazon RDS
Angular 6, Node.js, Bootstrap, Laravel, CakePHP, Symfony, jQuery, React, Vue.js, RxJS, Angular Material, WordPress, CraftCMS, Drupal
Applications and Tools
Xcode, JIRA, Bugherd, Photoshop, Illustrator, Git, Mercurial, Subversion, Grunt.js, Gulp.js, Webpack, Docker, Vagrant, AWS
Rackspace Cloud, Incapsula, CloudFlare, Auth0, Linode, Amazon S3, EC2, Route 53, Aurora (AWS), SendGrid, MailJet, BitBucket, GitHub, Stripe, Jenkins, Network Topology, Systems Integration
